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  • Yazarın fotoğrafıTaha Altar Çağ

The Bad Batch and the art of non-progression

The Bad Batch was... fine until this 3rd season. It is clearly obvious that they are trying to set up a meaningful back storyline for the SW9: RoS bullshit of Palpatine's return.

While it is impossible for literally any SW fan not to remember this scene, right now with the 3rd season of Bad Batch, Disney's storytellers are somehow trying to fill that "Somehow". While my main wish would be on deleting the sequels completely, since it seems not quite possible at the moment (thank you Kathleen Kennedy) I respect the effort made on at least trying to save the Star Wars canon lore, or what is left of it. And the third season the Bad Batch is nothing but a filler for the cloning of Palpatine presumably. While stating I'm not against it, the series has become really boring revolving around only one thing and only and only this one very thing. Nothing here feels like Filoni's work. I'm afraid there will be more new content made just to make sequels more viable in the eyes of the fan base. With every new episode, the story is just where it was one episode ago in terms of progress. Normally I would even enjoy Clone Wars episodes with random blasting and lightsaber duels but the context was different there. So my question is: Why is it either a masterpiece or a total disaster when it comes to Disney Star Wars? I hope the lore survives.

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